Coefficient of Pressure (Cp) = This is a dimensionless number which describes relative pressure to atmospheric pressure. A Cp of 0 equates to atmospheric pressure while a number below 0 represents low pressure and a number above 0 represents high pressure.
CpX = This is a dimensionless number which describes Cp normal to the x-direction. This helps us visualize locations which create drag. Red represents locations which are creating drag, while blue represents locations where thrust is created.
CpZ = This is a dimensionless number which describes Cp normal to the z-direction. This helps us visualize location which create downforce or lift. Red represents locations which are creating lift, while blue represents locations where downforce is created.
Total Pressure Coefficient (CpT) = This is a dimensionless number which describes total energy of the airstream. It is the sum of static pressure and dynamic pressure.
Wall Shear = This is a force per unit area due to fluid friction on the wall. This is used to visualize areas of separation and rapid changes on the surface.
LIC Plot = Line integral convolution (LIC) is used to visualize “oil” flow on the surface. It is a great way to correlate to flow vis testing and to study the flow on the surface of the vehicle.
Streamline = These are fluid tracers which are used to visualize where the air is going or coming from. These are normally colored as velocity where red is high-velocity and blue is low-velocity.
Points = One point is considered 0.001 of a coefficient. This is used in coefficient of drag (Cd) and coefficient of lift (Cl).